What Language Do They Speak in Chile?

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Chile is a long, narrow country stretching along the western edge of South America, bordered by the Pacific Ocean and the Andes Mountains, offering diverse landscapes from arid deserts in the north to lush forests and fjords in the south. The country's rich cultural heritage is a tapestry of indigenous traditions and Spanish influences, which is evident in its music, cuisine, and festivals. Chile's thriving economy is largely based on copper mining, agriculture, and a burgeoning wine industry, making it one of the most stable and prosperous nations in South America.

Languages Spoken

Spanish is the dominant language spoken in Chile, with an overwhelming majority of the population, approximately 99.3%, using it as their primary mode of communication. This prevalence makes Spanish not only the official language but also the primary language used in government, education, and media. Additionally, Mapudungun, an indigenous language spoken by the Mapuche people, is used by about 1% of the population, preserving the cultural heritage and linguistic diversity of the region.

Different Languages Spoken in Chile

Language data last updated 2024 est. from World Population Review - Chile

Note: The total may add up to more than 100% as people may speak multiple languages

Useful Spanish Phrases

Learn these phrases if you're planning on traveling to Chile



A basic greeting used any time of day.

¿Cómo estás?

How are you?

Common way to ask about someone's well-being.

¿Cuánto cuesta?

How much does it cost?

Useful for shopping when you want to know the price of an item.

¿Dónde está…?

Where is…?

Begin a question when looking for directions, e.g., '¿Dónde está el baño?' (Where is the bathroom?).

No entiendo

I don't understand

Helpful to communicate when you need someone to repeat or explain something.

Learn to speak Spanish

Interested in speaking Spanish in Chile? Using Lingocat you can learn the basics of the language and start speaking in no time with the help of our AI Language Tutors.

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