What Language Do They Speak in Papua New Guinea?

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Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is an island nation located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, encompassing the eastern portion of the island of New Guinea and numerous smaller islands. It is known for its rich cultural diversity, with hundreds of indigenous ethnic groups and languages contributing to a vibrant cultural tapestry. The country's lush landscapes range from tropical rainforests to highland mountains, offering a remarkable biodiversity and awe-inspiring natural beauty.

Languages Spoken

Papua New Guinea is renowned for its linguistic diversity, with over 800 languages spoken across the country. Among the most widely spoken are Tok Pisin, Hiri Motu, and English. Tok Pisin serves as a lingua franca throughout the nation, spoken by approximately 77% of the population. Hiri Motu, traditionally used in the southern regions, is spoken by around 1.5% of the people. English, a remnant of colonial influence, is spoken by about 1% of the population, mainly used in governmental and formal education settings. This rich tapestry of languages is a testament to Papua New Guinea's diverse cultural heritage.

Different Languages Spoken in Papua New Guinea

Language data last updated 2024 est. from Wikipedia - Papua New Guinea

Tok Pisin77%
Hiri Motu1.5%
Note: The total may add up to more than 100% as people may speak multiple languages

Useful Tok Pisin Phrases

Learn these phrases if you're planning on traveling to Papua New Guinea



A simple greeting similar to English.

Yu orait?

How are you?

A common way to ask someone how they are doing.

Hamamas long bungim yu

Nice to meet you

Used when meeting someone for the first time.

Plis na tenkyu

Please and thank you

Basic politeness phrases.

Mi no harim

I don't understand

Useful when you need someone to repeat what they said.

Learn to speak Tok Pisin

Interested in speaking Tok Pisin in Papua New Guinea? Using Lingocat you can learn the basics of the language and start speaking in no time with the help of our AI Language Tutors.

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