What Language Do They Speak in Sri Lanka?

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Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka, an island nation in South Asia, is renowned for its lush landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Located southwest of the Bay of Bengal and southeast of the Arabian Sea, the country's unique topography ranges from pristine tropical beaches to rolling hills and dense forests. With a history dating back thousands of years, Sri Lanka is a melting pot of ethnicities, languages, and religions, offering a vibrant tapestry of traditions and festivals.

Languages Spoken

Sri Lanka is a linguistically diverse nation with three primary languages spoken across the island. The most widely spoken language is Sinhala, which is used by approximately 74% of the population. This language is predominantly spoken by the Sinhalese majority. Tamil, the second major language, is spoken by about 18% of the population, primarily among the Tamil ethnic group in the northern and eastern regions. English, spoken by around 8% of the population, serves as a link language and is commonly used in government, business, and education sectors, reflecting Sri Lanka's colonial history.

Different Languages Spoken in Sri Lanka

Language data last updated 2024 est. from Wikipedia - Sri Lanka

Note: The total may add up to more than 100% as people may speak multiple languages

Useful Sinhala Phrases

Learn these phrases if you're planning on traveling to Sri Lanka



This is a common greeting used in Sri Lanka to wish someone a long life.

ඔබට කොහොමද?

How are you?

A polite way to ask about someone's wellbeing.

මෙහි වටිනාකම කීයද?

How much does this cost?

Useful when shopping and negotiating prices.

මෙය කොහේද?

Where is this?

Helps when asking for directions to places.

කරුණාකර, ස්තුතියි

Please, thank you

Basic polite phrases to use in different situations.

Learn to speak Sinhala

Interested in speaking Sinhala in Sri Lanka? Using Lingocat you can learn the basics of the language and start speaking in no time with the help of our AI Language Tutors.

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